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All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant : devices for ultrasonic non-destructive testing, flaw detectors, thickness gauges, ultrasonic transducers, metrological equipment, standard samples for tuning, calibration of devices
  • Inclined separately-combined.
    Inclined separately-combined.
    Small-sized P122-5.0-XX-M, etc.
  • Accessories
    Membranes, power supply, etc.
  • Gels for ultrasound control
    Gels for ultrasound control
    Miass 110, 250
  • Cables for connecting the PEP
    Cables for connecting the PEP
    Combined, single, etc.
  • Specialized PEP
    Specialized PEP
    PA123-1,8-65, PB121-2,5-65-14 and others .
  • Flaw detector
    Flaw detector
    UD9812 Basic kits, etc.
  • Thickness gauge
    Thickness gauge
    UT907 Sets Standard, etc.
  • Ultrasonic module
    Ultrasonic module
    UDM901 for 2, 4 and 8 channels
  • PEP with changes. input angle
    PEP with changes. input angle
    P121-xx-0/90-xx, etc.
  • Immersion PEP
    Immersion PEP
    BNC P221-1,25-K20, 1,8-K20, etc.
  • PEP for railway objects
    PEP for railway objects
    P131, 121, 111-xx-Khx-RAILWAY, etc.
  • Inclined small-sized PEP
    Inclined small-sized PEP
    PEP P121 5.0-XX-8-M, 8.0-XX-5*4- M
  • Metrological equipment
    Metrological equipment
    Signal synthesizer SS306, etc.
  • Calibration blocks
    Calibration blocks
    Standard samples (CCA, SOP)
  • Direct combined PEP
    Direct combined PEP
    P111-1,25-K20, 1,8-K14*14, 2,5-K14 etc.
  • Straight lines separately-combined. PEP
    Straight lines separately-combined. PEP
    PEP P112-1,8-14*14, 2,5-14 et al .
  • Inclined standard PEP
    Inclined standard PEP
    P121 at frequencies of 1.8; 2.5; 5.0; 8.0 MHz
  • Inclined Ceramic PEP
    Inclined Ceramic PEP
    PEP P121 at 1.8; 2.5; 5.0 MHz


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